Aston™ 質譜儀對小開口區域的蝕刻有最高的靈敏度
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Aston™ 質譜儀對小開口區域的蝕刻有最高的靈敏度

伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀對小開口區域的蝕刻有最高的靈敏度
隨著特徵尺寸和幾何形狀的不斷縮小, 半導體工藝製造商面臨著新的挑戰. 對於高縱橫比 3D-NAND 和關鍵尺寸的高級節點邏輯觸點, 可靠地檢測遠低於 1%的開口區域的端點對產量和整體生產力至關重要.
As feature size and geometries continue to shrink, a new challenge for semiconductor process manufacturers has emerged. For high aspect ratio 3D-NAND and critical dimension advanced node logic contacts, reliably detecting endpoint well below 1% open area is critical to yield and overall productivity.

隨著接觸寬度隨著工藝節點的減小而減小, 接觸蝕刻的開口面積減小得更快, 因為面積尺寸與接觸寬度的平方成反比. 此外, 觸點的電阻會負向增加, 從而影響電晶體的電氣性能. 關鍵的是, 需要通過場氧化物(二氧化矽)進行接觸蝕刻的端點檢測 EPD, 以最大限度降低接觸電阻, 並確保與電晶體源極或漏極的良好電接觸, 但不會出現過度蝕刻, 從而導致柵極區域短路或基片損壞. 更複雜的接觸蝕刻是非平面晶圓拓撲結構, 導致不均勻蝕刻和最終電氣測試時的“甜甜圈”或“邊緣”屈服模式.
As contact width decreases with smaller process nodes, the Open Area for contact etch decreases faster, as the area dimension is proportional to the inverse square of the contact width. Additionally, the resistance of the contact increases negatively, affecting electrical performance of the transistor. Critically, end point detection (EPD) of contact etch through field oxide (silicon dioxide) needs to be performed to minimize contact resistance and ensure a good electrical contact with transistor source or drain, but without excessive over-etch that can cause shorts to the gate region or substrate damage. Further complicating contact etch is non-planar wafer topology, resulting in uneven etch and ‘doughnut’ or ‘edge’ yield patterns at final electrical test.

對於 3D NAND, 關鍵蝕刻工藝包括用於垂直溝道的小開口面積階梯蝕刻和高縱橫比開口面積, 以及通過100層交替二氧化矽 Si02 和氮化矽 Si3N4 層的狹縫蝕刻. 蝕刻 100個交替層需要高速定量終點檢測. 高靈敏度也是至關重要的, 因為多層階梯式蝕刻減少了用於獲得急劇階梯變化終點的蝕刻副產物的豐度, 因為隨著階梯式蝕刻到達底部, 觸點行數減少.
For 3D NAND, critical etch processes include small open area staircase etch and high aspect ratio open area for vertical channels, as well as slit etch through 100’s of alternating silicon dioxide (Si02) and Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) layers. Etching through 100’s of alternate layers requires high speed quantitative end point detection. High sensitivity is also critical as multi-layer step etch decreases the abundance of etch byproducts used to get a sharp step change endpoint, as the number of rows of contacts reduces as the bottom of the staircase etch is reached.

伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀憑藉高靈敏度提供解決方案
為了確保一致和優化的接觸蝕刻, 需要高靈敏度的原位分子診斷來提供蝕刻副產物的即時測量和量化, 並能夠檢測到明確定義的終點. 隨著接觸開口面積 OA% 的減少, 諸如光學發射光譜 OES 等傳統計量解決方案缺乏準確檢測蝕刻終點的靈敏度(低信噪比 SNR 比).  Aston™ 質譜儀 的 OA% 靈敏度顯示為 <0.25%, 其檢測限比 OES(LOD 約 2.5%)高出一個數量級. 此外, Aston™ 內部產生的基於等離子體的電離源允許它在存在腐蝕性蝕刻氣體的情況下工作, 無論處理室中是否存在等離子體源.
To ensure consistent and optimized contact etch, high sensitivity in-situ molecular diagnostics is required to provide real-time measurement and quantification of the etch byproducts and enable a clearly-defined endpoint to be detected. With reducing contact open area (OA%), legacy metrology solutions like Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) lack the sensitivity (low signal to noise SNR ratio) to accurately detect etch end point. With OA% sensitivity demonstrated to <0.25%, Aston delivers a limit of detection up to an order of magnitude higher than OES (LOD of ~2.5%). Additionally, Aston’s internally generated plasma-based ionization source allows it to work in the presence of corrosive etch gases and with or without a plasma source present in the processing chamber.

Aston™ 質譜儀能夠進行準確且可操作的端點檢測, OA% 是傳統 OES 計量解決方案的一個數量級(1/10).  Aston™ 質譜儀解決方案適用于具有高蝕刻輸送量和大量重複相同步驟的工藝中的即時 EPD.  這是通過高信噪比 SNR 實現的, 從而避免了 OES 設備中常見的模棱兩可和複雜的多變數分析演算法.
Aston is capable of accurate and actionable endpoint detection with OA% one order of magnitude (1/10th) that of legacy OES metrology solutions. The Aston solution is suitable for real-time EPD in processes with high etching throughput and performing extensive repetition of the same steps. This is accomplished with high signal to noise (SNR) ratio, thus avoiding ambiguous and complex multi-variable analysis algorithms common in OES devices.
Aston™ 質譜儀對小開口區域的蝕刻有最高的靈敏度


小開口面積 OA% (高縱橫比 HAR) 蝕刻
使用 Aston™ 的高靈敏度 (SEM) 提供可操作的資料, 以在小開口區域蝕刻實現終點檢測
Aston <0.3% OA% EPD 實現多種化學蝕刻: x10次最佳
OES 和 RGA 缺乏實現小開口區域蝕刻的靈敏度
Aston™ 質譜在使用或不使用等離子的情況下, 均可工作

Small OA% (and HAR) Etch
• Using Aston’s high sensitivity (SEM) to provide actionable data to achieve end point detection in low open area etch
• Aston <0.3% OA% EPD achieve for multiple etch chemistries: x10 next best
• OES and RGA lack sensitivity to achieve low OA% EPD
• Aston solution works with or without plasma


Aston™ 質譜儀對小開口區域的蝕刻有最高的靈敏度

伯東公司代理日本 Atonarp 高科技分子傳感和數位診斷測試設備. Atonarp 通過結合先進的電子和數字處理演算法, 開創了化學成分分析領域的先河. 使高效, 經濟, 即時的獲取分子資訊成為現實! Atonarp 提供適用於半導體過程監控的 Aston™, 以及用於製藥業的 LyoSentinel™ / AMS 1000 和新平臺技術 ATON-360 ( 無需使用化學試劑即可提供實驗室品質的結果. 實現即時, 非侵入數位分子診斷測試.). Atonarp 是製藥, 半導體製造, 工業過程控制以及生命科學領域的分子診斷數字轉換的先驅.

若您需要進一步的瞭解 Atonarp Aston™ 在線質譜儀詳細資訊或討論, 請參考以下聯絡方式:
上海伯東: 葉小姐                                   臺灣伯東: 王小姐
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