Aston™ 質譜儀保護環境免受有害氣體排放污染瀏覽數: 1515
伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀保護環境免受有害氣體排放污染
半導體和薄膜太陽能工藝使用並產生各種工藝氣體和顆粒材料副產品, 有害氣體必須以受控方式進行處理. 許多廢料的處理受環境法規的規定, 如美國 NESHAP 標準. 此規則規定的主要有害空氣污染物包括但不限於占有害空氣污染物排放總量 90% 以上的五種化學物質: 鹽酸 HCl , 氟化氫 HF, 乙二醇醚, 甲醇, 和二甲苯.
Semiconductor and thin-film solar processes use and create a variety of process gases and particulate material by-products that must be disposed of in a controlled manner. Disposal of many of the waste materials are controlled by environmental regulations, such as the U.S. NESHAP standards. The primary hazardous air pollutants that are controlled by this rule include, but are not limited to, five chemicals that comprise over 90 percent of the total hazardous air pollutants emissions: hydrochloric acid (HCl), hydrogen fluoride (HF), glycol ethers, methanol, and xylene
美國環境保護局對混合空氣毒物工藝通風孔 (有機和無機) 的排放限值為 14.22 PPM(按體積計算). 監測並銷毀額外的全氟化碳氣體 PFC 和矽烷 SiH4 等自燃氣體.
The U.S. EPA emission limit is 14.22 parts per million (PPM) by volume for combined air toxics process vents (organic and inorganic). Additional PFCs (perfluorinated carbon gases) and pyrophoric gases like silane SiH4 are monitored and destroyed.
減排面臨著多重挑戰. 需要監測來自減排系統的環境廢氣, 以確保符合法規要求, 需要一款具有高靈敏度, 即時, 現場計量, 且精度達到 PPM 級的質譜分析儀. 此外, 優化減排需要測量廢氣中進入減排系統的污染物濃度, 從而可以調節氮氣稀釋和減排燃燒氣體消耗量, 以確保有效和高效地去除污染物. 天然氣 (甲烷) 通常用於普通燒洗減排系統中的高溫熱氣體分解, 優化其使用可降低減排過程成本和二氧化碳排放.
There are multiple challenges associated with abatement. At the simplest level, monitoring environment
exhaust gases from the abatement system to ensure compliance with regulations requires high-sensitivity,
real-time, in-situ metrology with PPM level accuracy. Further, optimizing abatement requires that waste
process gases be measured for concentration of pollutants entering the abatement system, so that nitrogen
dilution can be modulated along with abatement combustion gas consumption, to ensure effective and
efficient destruction of pollutants. Natural gas (Methane) is typically used for high temperature thermal gas
decomposition in the common burn-wash abatement systems and optimizing its use reduces abatement
process cost and carbon dioxide emissions.
伯東公司 Aston™ 質譜分析儀提供有害氣體排放污染解決方案: 數據驅動的減排
許多減排系統是“開環”運行的, 導致天然氣和氮氣消耗量較高. 此外, 通常不會對減排成功的分析資料進行監控和記錄, 從而使公司面臨環境監管責任. 使用 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜分析儀, 可以根據進入的廢氣濃度和測量的排放氣體資料, 記錄日誌, 對減排燃燒過程進行現場優化控制, 以記錄環境合規性. Aston™ Plasma 質譜分析儀能夠承受嚴酷的 PFC 和酸性 (如 HF 和 HCl )氣體, 並能提供低至 PPB 水準的靈敏度. 通過快速, 準確的現場計量, 實現高效的減排氣體監測和廢氣環境合規性.
Many abatement systems are run ‘open-loop’, resulting in high levels of natural gas and nitrogen
consumption. Further, analytical proof of abatement success is usually not monitored and recorded, leaving
companies open to environmental regulation liabilities. Using Atonarp’s Aston Plasma mass spectrometer
allows for in-situ, optimized control of the abatement burn process based upon incoming waste gas
concentrations and a data log of measured vented gasses to document environmental compliance.
Aston Plasma is uniquely capable of withstanding harsh PFC and acidic (e.g. HF & HCl) gases and can
provide sensitivity down to PPB levels.
Fast, accurate, in-situ metrology allows for efficient abatement monitoring and exhaust gas environmental
compliance. See the diagram below for a snapshot of the Aston Plasma-enabled abatement process flow.
Atonarp Aston™ 質譜分析儀技術參數
類型 |
Impact-300 |
Impact-300DP |
Plasma-200 |
Plasma-200DP |
Plasma-300 |
Plasma-300DP |
型號 |
AST3007 |
AST3006 |
AST3005 |
AST3004 |
AST3003 |
AST3002 |
品質分離 |
四級杆 |
真空系統 |
分子泵 |
分子泵 |
分子泵 |
分子泵 |
分子泵 |
分子泵 |
檢測器 |
品質範圍 |
2-285 |
2-220 |
2-285 |
解析度 |
0.8±0.2 |
檢測限 |
0.1 PPM |
工作溫度 |
15-35“℃ |
功率 |
350 W |
重量 |
15 kg |
尺寸 |
299 x 218 x 331 LxWxH(mm) |
400 x 240 x 325 LxWxH(mm) |
伯東公司代理日本 Atonarp 高科技分子傳感和數位診斷測試設備. Atonarp 通過結合先進的電子和數字處理演算法, 開創了化學成分分析領域的先河. 使高效, 經濟, 即時的獲取分子資訊成為現實! Atonarp 提供適用於半導體過程監控的 Aston™, 以及用於製藥業的 LyoSentinel™ / AMS 1000 和新平臺技術 ATON-360 ( 無需使用化學試劑即可提供實驗室品質的結果. 實現即時, 非侵入數位分子診斷測試.). Atonarp 是製藥, 半導體製造, 工業過程控制以及生命科學領域的分子診斷數字轉換的先驅.
若您需要進一步的瞭解 Atonarp Aston™ 在線質譜儀詳細資訊或討論, 請參考以下聯絡方式:
上海伯東: 葉小姐 臺灣伯東: 王小姐
T: +86-21-5046-3511 ext 107 T: +886-3-567-9508 ext 161
F: +86-21-5046-1490 F: +886-3-567-0049
M: +86 1391-883-7267 ( 微信同號 ) M: +886-975-571-910
qq: 2821409400
現部分品牌誠招合作代理商, 有意向者歡迎聯絡伯東 王小姐 +886-975-571-910
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