Aston™ 在線質譜儀實現最大化 low-k 電介質沉積的輸送量
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Aston™ 在線質譜儀實現最大化 low-k 電介質沉積的輸送量

伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 在線質譜儀實現最大化 low-k 電介質沉積的輸送量
沉積晶圓通量是晶圓廠 FAB 效率的關鍵指標之一, 也是晶圓廠 FAB 不斷改進以降低每次移動成本和減少資本支出的關鍵指標. 伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀提供腔室清潔終點檢測方案已成功應用於 low-k 電介質沉積應用 ( 特別是氮化矽 Si3N4 ), 在減少顆粒污染的同時, 縮短了生產時間.
Deposition wafer throughput is a key metric of FAB efficiency and an area where constant improvement leads to lower cost per move and reduced Capex expenditure. Aston has been successfully deployed in low-K dielectric deposition applications (specifically silicon nitride Si3N4) where it has achieved throughput time reduction while reducing particulate contamination.

low-k 電介質沉積需要經常清潔工藝室以去除沉積冷凝物的堆積. 如果不清除冷凝物可能會導致顆粒薄片從腔室壁上分層, 從而導致產量損失.通常每 5 片晶圓進行一次清潔(在 25 片晶圓批次中進行 5 次).
Low-K dielectric deposition requires frequent process chamber cleans to remove the build-up of deposition condensates. Failure to remove the condensates may results in particle flakes delaminating from the chamber walls causing yield loss. Cleans are typically performed every 5 wafers (5 times during a 25-wafer lot).

伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀提供腔室清潔終點檢測解決方案
為了最大限度地提高整個工藝輸送量, 需要使用端點檢測來最小化腔室清潔週期時間. 使用殘餘氣體分析儀 RGA 或光學發射光譜 OES 的傳統計量解決方案是無效的. 用於腔室清潔的三氟化氮 NF3 氣體對 RGA 電子碰撞電離源具有高度腐蝕性(使其無法用於生產), 並且 OES 需要在清潔週期中不存在等離子體. 從歷史上看, 腔室清潔週期是一個固定時間的工藝步驟, 有足夠的餘量, 以確保考慮到腔室之間的統計變化. 借助伯東公司日本 Atonarp  Aston™ 質譜儀基於精確終點檢測的腔室清潔既可以縮短處理時間, 又不會影響工藝裕度, 還可以避免過度清潔, 因為過度清潔會造成氟化鋁污染, 造成大量腔室的陳化處理.
Minimizing the chamber clean cycle time, using end point detection, is required to maximize the overall process throughput. However, legacy metrology solutions using residual gas analyzers (RGAs) or optical emission spectroscopy (OES) are ineffective. Nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) gas used for chamber cleaning is highly corrosive to RGA electron impact ionization sources (rendering them impractical for production) and OES requires a plasma which is not present during the cleaning cycle. Historically the chamber clean cycle has been a fixed time process step with sufficient margin built in to ensure chamber-to-chamber statistical variations are accounted for. With Aston, precision end-point detection-based chamber clean results both in faster processing time without compromising process margins, as well as avoiding over-cleaning that can create Aluminum Fluoride contamination and require extensive chamber seasoning.

使用 Aston™ 質譜儀檢測結果
工藝時間減少 >40%: 在最近的一次晶圓廠 FAB 連續生產研究中, Aston 質譜儀將整個腔室清潔週期縮短了高達 80%. 在總共5片晶圓加工週期內, 晶圓沉積和晶圓室清潔的週期時間, 總共減少了 40% 以上.
>40% Reduction in Process Time In a recent on-tool, in-FAB production study, Aston reduced the overall chamber clean cycle by up to 80%. This resulted in >40% reduction in total wafer deposition plus chamber clean cycle time for 5-wafer process cycle.

更高的輸送量和產量: 除了縮短工藝時間之外, 研究還發現, 基於 Aston 端點的清潔週期在基於時間的遺留解決方案中, 由於過度清潔而導致的腔室側壁超過蝕刻產生的顆粒很少. 基於較低的後處理顆粒污染, 預測總體產品產量提高.
Higher Throughput & Yields : In addition to the process time reduction, it was also observed that the Aston end point-based clean cycle resulted in few particles being caused by chamber side wall over etch seen from over cleaning in the time-based legacy solution. Overall product yield improvement is predicted based on the lower post processing particulate contamination seen.

Aston™ 在線質譜分析儀

設備和工藝協同優化 EPCO: 380億美元的長期製造優化機會
許多先進的製造工藝都需要設備和工藝協同優化 EPCO. 麥肯錫公司 McKinsey & Co. 在2021年發表的一篇論文表明, 利用人工智慧 AI 和機器學習 ML 進行半導體製造優化, 通過提高產量和提高輸送量, 有望節省380億美元的成本. 麥肯錫強調, 幫助企業實現這些好處的最大干預點是調整工具參數, 使用當前和以前步驟的即時工具感測器資料, 使 AI/ML 演算法優化工藝操作之間的非線性關係. 成功部署 AI/ML 的關鍵是可操作的即時資料. 伯東公司日本 Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀原位即時分子診斷和雲連接資料是實現這一能力的關鍵技術, 從而解鎖半導體 EPCO 的潛力.
Many advanced manufacturing processes now require Equipment and Process Co-Optimization (EPCO). A 2021 paper by McKinsey & Co. demonstrated that semiconductor manufacturing optimization, using artificial intelligence (AI) & machine learning (ML), represents a $38B cost saving opportunity through improved yields and increased throughput. McKinsey highlighted the single biggest intervention point to help companies realize these benefits is adjustment of tool parameters, using live tool sensor data from current and previous steps to enable AI/ML algorithms to optimize the nonlinear relationship between process operations. Key to successful AI/ML deployment is actionable real-time data. Aston in-situ real-time molecular diagnostics and its cloud connected data are key technologies enabling this capability to unlock the potential for semiconductor EPCO.

Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀優點
1. 耐腐蝕性氣體 Corrosive Gas Resistant
2. 抗冷凝 Condensate Resistant
3. 即時, 可操作的資料 Real Time, Actionable Data
4. 雲連接就緒 Cloud Connectivity Ready
5. 無需等離子體 No Plasma Required
6. 一流的功能: 穩定性, 可重複性, 感測器壽命, 品質範圍, 解析度, 最小可檢測分壓, 最小檢測極限 PP,靈敏度 ppb, 檢測速率. Best-in-Class Features:Stability, Repeatability, Sensor Lifetime, Mass Range, Resolution, Min Detectable Partial Pressure, Sensitivity (ppb), Sample Rate

Atonarp Aston™ 質譜儀半導體行業應用
1. 介電蝕刻: Dielectric Etch
2. 金屬蝕刻: Metal Etch EPD
3. CVD 監測和 EPD: CVD Monitoring and EPD
4. 腔室清潔 EPD: Chamber Clean EPD
5. 腔室指紋: Chamber Fingerprinting
6. 腔室匹配: Chamber Matching
7. 高縱橫比蝕刻: High Aspect Ratio Etch
8. 小開口面積 <0.3% 蝕刻: Small Open Area <0.3% Etch
9. ALD
10. ALE

伯東公司代理日本 Atonarp 高科技分子傳感和數位診斷測試設備. Atonarp 通過結合先進的電子和數字處理演算法, 開創了化學成分分析領域的先河. 使高效, 經濟, 即時的獲取分子資訊成為現實! Atonarp 提供適用於半導體過程監控的 Aston™, 以及用於製藥業的 LyoSentinel™ / AMS 1000 和新平臺技術 ATON-360 ( 無需使用化學試劑即可提供實驗室品質的結果. 實現即時, 非侵入數位分子診斷測試.). Atonarp 是製藥, 半導體製造, 工業過程控制以及生命科學領域的分子診斷數字轉換的先驅.

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上海伯東: 葉小姐                                   臺灣伯東: 王小姐
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